Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Marmas and the Power of Yoga

Marmas are key energy centers for the practice of yoga on all levels from yoga poses to deep meditation. Yoga poses affect the energy, which are in the limbs, joints and spine, these all contain important marmas. You can learn to stimulate and balance the marmas in your body in various ways. The best way to do that is through your daily oil massage, and meditation.

Marmas connect to the subtle nerves and to the chakras; these are energy centers (I talked about chakras last week) of the subtle body and the mind. The subtle body is our internal energy, moods and emotions. These subtle nerves and the chakras govern the interface between the physical and subtle bodies and the interchange of energy and information between them. This means if you think you are going to get cancer (or any illness), you will. “Whatever you say you speak into the existence”. It also means that marmas are important for healing the subtle body as well as the physical body. Through using marmas we can restore proper connection between the subtle body and the physical body, bringing our body to wellness on both levels.

Marmas are the places where stress and attachment accumulate, blocking the free flow of energy and awareness. At marma sites toxins, stress and negative emotions get lodged and are held, sometimes for years. Disease is reflected in pain, blockage or swelling in these areas even before it may manifest outwardly in the full rang of disease symptoms. You can learn to send our breath into the marmas with your awareness, improving their energy flow from within. Remember half the battle of balancing doshas is being aware.

A Thai Yoga Therapist will focus on marma regions and Sen-Lines that are in need of stimulation or of release and use the methods that are necessary to adjust and move the energy flow. You cannot heal the physical body without healing the emotional body (which is the subtle body). You cannot heal the subtle body without healing the spirit. 
You cannot heal the spirit without healing the others.

Regular meditation can make us more sensitive to the condition of marmas and aware of the flow of energy through them, then you can learn to modify them through thought and will power.

A good Yoga teacher should have a good knowledge of marmas and how they relate to Yoga practice. He/She can teach you how to meditate and breathe so you can move the energy in your marmas. A serious Yoga student should not overlook the benefits yoga poses have on the marmas and sen-lines and the importance they are to the practice.

                                    Nancy Adams, Certified Thai Yoga Therapist
                                            And Ayurveda consultant

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