you can see why such diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, colon problems, are so prevalent in our society.
Recent studies have confirmed that a diet high in fiber can be a major factor in keeping us healthy.
You have heard the saying ‘you are what you eat’. if you eat healthy, whole, fresh, foods, 3 time a day, you will be healthy, whole, and full of life. Nutritional Psychology has found that the foods we eat affect the chemical processing of the mind as well. Studies have found that when junk food is replaced with whole foods, teens in trouble with the law became law-abiding citizens.
One example is white sugar. The body makes glucose from carbohydrates in our food. Glucose is what builds our brain cells. Certain foods contain either simple or complex carbohydrates. Whole grains and fresh fruit are complex carbohydrates, it takes more time for complex carbohydrates to digest therefore they enter the bloodstream more slowly. White sugar is a simple carbohydrate, the body is shocked when it instantly enters the bloodstream. The sudden rise in glucose causes the body to produce more insulin to remove the excess glucose from the bloodstream. The glucose is removed to the point of deficiency. This drop in blood sugar causes the area of the brain called cerebrum (responsible for thought learning, moral and social behavior) to shut down to allow the body’s remaining energy to control the basic or primitive functions (drives for food, sex, aggression/defense, etc.).
Many psychological disorder such as some forms of ADD/ADHD, and depression are misdiagnosed; some of these conditions have been found to be healed through simply changing to whole foods.
The food we eat greatly affect how the brain functions. This simple change in food behaviors requires no purchasing of drug, vitamins, or herbs, and improves our quality of life. Nature does give to us abundantly, so chose wisely.
Nancy Adams Certified Thai Yoga Therapist
and Ayurveda Consultant
These are my own thoughts. I sometimes take writings from others to support my own ideas.
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