Do you wonder what energy work is the best for you? I believe energy work is energy work it is all connected. Most of my work is with Marma and Sen-line Therapy, which balance the doshas, however I have found if you balance the doshas you unblock charkas as well.
Chakras have come to the west through the tradition and practice of yoga. Yoga (which means “yoke”) is a discipline designed to yoke together the individual with the divine, using mental and physical practices that join our mundane and spiritual lives.
Chakra literally translates as “wheel”. There are seven of these wheels stacked in a column of energy that spans from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Chakras can be thought of as junction points between mind and matter. The first center at the base of the spine is associated with basic survival issues. The second center in the reproductive area represents sexuality, and creativity. The third located in the solar plexus is power. The fourth center in the heart is love. The fifth, located in the throat is communication. The sixth is located between the eyes is intuition. And the seventh is at the crown of the head and is said to open when we experience higher states of consciousness.
Chakras are not physical; you cannot see them, yet they have a strong effect upon our body as they express the visible form of spiritual energy on the physical plane. Chakra patterns are programmed deep in the core of the mind-body interface and have a strong relationship with our physical functioning. Just as the emotions can and do affect our breathing, heart rate, and metabolism, the activities in the various chakras influence our glands, chronic physical ailments, thoughts and behavior.
What blocks a chakra? The same thing that causes imbalance in the doshas. Traumas, childhood or other wise, cultural conditioning, bad food, bad air, bad water, limited belief systems, restrictive or exhausting habits, physical and emotional injuries, or just lack of attention. When we have difficulties we develop coping strategies. When difficulties persist, these coping strategies become chronic patters, anchored in the body and psyche as defense structures. Eventually these defenses create holding pattern in our musculature that restrict the free flow of energy; even when real threats cease to exist. This chronic tension is known as body armor. It affects our posture, breathing, emotional states, and our belief systems.
If doshas are not balanced, chakras cannot be unblocked. If charkas are blocked doshas cannot balance. For this reason, it is important to recognize the blocks we carry, find ways to understand their source and meaning, and develop tools to heal them. As we learn to open and heal the chakras within us, we become the Rainbow Bridge—the living link between Heaven and Earth.
The beauty of the chakra system lies in its multidimensionality. These imbalances can be approached verbally through discussion, physically through work with the body, and spiritually through meditation.
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