I have people say to me all the time, “I need to come for a Thai Therapy and get stretched out”. They mistakenly believe that it was the stretching that made them feel so great. And I say to them “it’s the running of the Sen Lines and pressing out of the Marmas that balances the doshas, and balancing the doshas is the key to wellness”. So, in this blog lets talk about the sen lines and the marmas. In Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, marmas, (meaning ‘vulnerable’ or sensitive zones), are the same areas that acupuncturist use as pressure points. But they extend to larger areas of the body. They include vital organs like the heart and bladder as well as bones and joints and points along the surface of the body. Marmas are centers for the vital-force, the master power behind both physical and psychological processes. Through manipulation of marmas, vital-force can be directed to remove blockages, and improve energy flow. At marma sites toxins, stress and negative emotions get lodged and are held sometimes for years. Disease is reflected in pain, blockage or swelling in these areas even before it is manifest outwardly in the full range of disease symptoms. These points can be used specifically for diagnosis and treatment of disease or for promoting health and wellness. Relieving pain, blockage or swelling at marma sites is am important therapeutic aid and one of the first stages of many Ayurvedic treatments. The 72,000 Sen Lines (we may interpret this to mean to sense) run throughout the body. Sen lines are not physical, like nerves; they are channels for the flow of consciousness. This consciousness helps the spirit and the body co-exists harmonically in physical form. When this flow is in rhythm with our overall well-being, then we are both healthy and happy. When there is congestion (a slowing down or interruption in the flow; be it spiritual, emotional, mental or psychic), the physical body is also affected. Think of the marmas as a village, a place of community, it provides sustainable living and protection; a place to rejuvenate. But if the village remains isolated for to long, it can become stagnant and closed off to the in and out flows or the outside world. Isolated for too long, the inhabitants become controlling and the culture can canker and over time self-destruct. The sen lines are paths, between these villages on the body. Ideally there is a healthy free-flow of energy through the sen line that helps the marmas stay vital. Activating the marmas through pressing, rubbing, or stretching also helps the Sen lines where they intersect marmas begin to clear. It also balances the three doshas. As the doshas come into balance, the subtle aspect of each one can then rise to the surface. When you experience the subtle essence of the doshas, your sense of being balanced and feeling of well-being is elevated to a whole new level. Marma therapy is an important method of Ayurvedic texts along with their specific effects on both body and mind. Marmas range in size from very small to very large, from special points along the hands and feet to significant regions on the trunk of the body like the heart or the navel. When manipulated, marmas can alter both the organic function and structural condition of the body. Through the right use of marmas our entire physical and mental energy can be consciously increased, decreased or redirected in a transformative manner
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