Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The First Spiritual Law of Yoga Pure Potentiality

At the core of your being you are pure awareness. This realm of pure awareness is the domain of all possibilities and underlies creativity in all its forms. Pure consciousness is your spiritual essence and the source of your joy in life. The realm of pure potentiality is the home of knowledge, intuition, balance, harmony, and bliss.

The silent ever-present witness is your true Self. The experience of the Self, or self-referral, means that your internal reference point is your soul rather than the objects of your experience. The opposite of self-referral is object-referral. In object-referral, you are influenced by what is happening outside the Self, which includes situations, circumstances, people, and things. In object-referral, you need and therefore are constantly seeking the approval of others in order to feel comfortable and worthy. Because in object-referral your thoughts and behavior are always in anticipation of a response, it is a fear-based state of being.

The ego is your internal reference in the state of object-referral. The ego, is not who you really are. Rather it is your social mask, the role you are playing. At one moment you play the role of a friend, in the next the antagonist. You play the role of child in the presence of your parents and the role of the parent when you are with your children. You play one role when speaking with you supervisor and another with those you supervise.

Your social mask thrives on approval, strives to control, and is sustained by power.

But you true Self, your soul, is completely free of the things your mind is telling you. It is immune to criticism, fears no challenge, and feels neither beneath nor above anyone.

During the practice of yoga, the Law of Pure Potentiality reminds us that every movement emerges from the silent field of infinite possibility, the more powerful the silence, the more effective the movement. Every movement is a vibration, a wave on the ocean of life. The deeper the connection to the depths of the ocean, the more powerful is the wave that arises.

                                   Nancy Adams, Certified Thai Yoga Therapist
                                               And Ayurveda Consultant

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