Wednesday, March 21, 2012

If you are a Kapha

     The basic theme of the Kapha type is "relaxed." Kaphas are considered fortunate in Ayurveda because as a rule they enjoy sound health; moreover, their personalities express a serene, happy, tranquil view or the world.
     Physically, Kapha dosha gives strength and natural resistance to disease. Besides being well built, Kapha types tend to be thickest, with wide hips and / or shoulders. There is a strong tendency to gain weight
easily. Since extra weight is not easily lost, Kaphas often become obese when they are out of balance.
     Kapha are cool, smooth, thick, pale skin that is often oily. Large, soft, doelike eyes are very typical.
     Kaphas are slow. Slow eaters, with slow digestion. Slow speakers, slow making a decision,  slow in action, slow waking up and slow to get moving.slow to anger and want to maintain peace around themselves.
     Kaphas have steady energy. Their stamina exceeds that of other types, as does their willingness to perform physical labor.
     Kaphas are affectionate, tolerant, and forgiving; to be motherly is very Kapha. They can be very complacent, and even the most balanced Kapha will procrastinate if he feels stressed. out of balance  Kaphas cannot bear to throw old things away. and become stubborn, dull, lethargic, and lazy.
     Kaphas do not like cold, damp weather and respond to it mentally by becoming slower or outright depressed. Their common sleep disorder is not insomnia but oversleep.

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