Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ayurvedic treatments can heal disease

A couple of blogs ago I mentioned how our doshas compare to the three main forces of the atmosphere, air (vata), fire (pitta), and water (kapha). And how they are responsible for our well being, but they are also responsible for disease, diseases are caused by an imbalance in one or more of the doshas. Each dosha type carries positive traits and strengths when in balance, but when out of balance, may demonstrate a set of predictable negative signs or conditions.

One of the ways to balance the doshas is with thai therapy. The most important part of thai therapy is stimulating what is called the “marmas.” By stimulating these pressure points I can adjust your energy flow, release toxins and bring the doshas into balance. Toxins, stress, and negative emotions get stuck in the  marmas and are held, sometimes for years.. Disease is manifested in pain, blockage or swelling in these areas even before it may manifest outwardly in the full range of disease symptoms. Through the right use of marmas our entire physical and mental energy can be consciously increased, decreased or redirected.

The sen lines are paths that connect the marmas to one another. If the marmas become overly full with toxins, or the sen lines going in or out of the marmas gets blocked, the toxins will then flow into the sen lines. these sights are very painful to the touch. Stimulating the marmas through pressing also helps to clear the sen lines where they intersect the marmas. Ideally there is a healthy free-flow of energy through the sen lines that helps the marmas stay healthy and strong.

It is not uncommon for you to feel an almost indescribable feeling of centeredness and balance following a thai therapy. This unique feeling of peace and optimism is because all doshas have come into balance in the right way for you.

Thai therapy, a dosha balancing diet, combined with other Ayurvedic treatments can heal disease. When our energy channels are healthy and strong, we feel emotionally balanced, happy, and awakened in mind, body and spirit. In fact when all three are all in balance, they actually cease to be separate aspects, and merge into the soul. Living from the soul level makes it possible for us to live from our pure potential.

Nancy Adams Certified Thai Yoga Therapist
and Ayurveda Consultant
These are my own thoughts. I sometimes take writings from others to support my own ideas.

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