Pitta type is "intense." they are ambitious, sharp-witted, outspoken, bold, argumentative, or jealous. The combative side of Pitta is a natural tendency, but it does not have to be expressed. When in balance, Pittas are warm and ardent in their emotions, loving, and content. They have a strong sex drive. A face glowing with happiness is very Pitta. They sleep soundly for short periods of time waking up during the night feeling overheated. They sleep a moderate length of time and come closest to the "normal" eight hours a night. If out of balance, Pittas suffer from insomnia, particularly if they are wrapped up in their work, which tends to all-consuming for them. Pittas are medium in size and well proportioned.
Pittas have sharp, penetrating intellects and good powers of concentration. Their innate tendency is to be orderly and to manage their energies, money, and actions efficiently. Pittas are people who attack live head-on and relish challenge, the more difficult the better. But this inner drive is often the source of their undoing. Pitta gives you a fiery energy; if you abuse it, it will burn you up. The workaholics of this world are generally out-of-balance Pittas, especially if their emotional undertone is angry and compulsive.
Pittas incline toward anger as their characteristic negative emotion, and stress easily brings this out. They can be irritable and impatient, demanding and perfectionistic, particularly if out of balance. They can be cutting and abrasive in manner, which alienates others. Pittas have two sides: in balance, they are sweet, joyous, confident, and brave.
Pittas are least able to skip a meal or even eat late--it makes them feel ravenous and/or irritable.
Nancy Adams Thai Partner Yoga Therapist
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