This blog is a continuation of the blog before.
Everyone has energy centers that receive, assimilate and express our vital life energy. When the flow of energy becomes blocked, we may develop physical and mental illnesses, that manifest in symptoms such as anxiety, lethargy, or poor digestion .
With that introduction I hope to explain that the body runs on energy, not food. The food we digest is the matter we transform to energy. When I say energy I don’t mean just the energy to move around, I mean the flow of energy between matter and mind, the energy that keeps us balanced and well.
Eating grounds us, nourishes us, and maintains our physical structure. Through food, we take into ourselves the fruits of the Earth. Eating clean and nourishing food is a first step for establishing a healthy foundation. Human nutritional needs are very complicated. I hope that my readers will study nutrition. It is surprising to me how many people just eat whatever without any consideration of the effects the food may have on the body. If we use our bodies for ninety years without reference to the owner’s manual, no wonder they break down!
I want you to understand that the things we put into our bodies have a great impact on how we feel, AND how our family feels, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Various types of food have different vibrational qualities and can set us in balance or knock us out of balance depending on our dosha.
Meat and proteins are good foods for grounding. Too much of them, however, leaves the body sluggish. If you feel weak, disoriented, or out of touch with your body, a good meal with meat can ground you. It is not necessary to eat meat to be grounded. It is the protein that is the most important. I always keep boiled eggs, nuts, and string cheese around the house. Don’t be afraid of the calories in these items, they nourish the body with the much needed good fats and protein.
Liquids pass through the body more quickly than solids and help cleanse the body and keep the kidneys from becoming overloaded with toxins. Juices and herbal teas can also aid in this cleansing process. If we don’t get enough liquid we become out of balance, we might feel rigid, dry, or emotionally brittle, like a plant that hasn’t been watered enough.
Starches are an easily converted energy food. Starches that come from whole grains rather than processed flours are used more slowly and thoroughly by the body. If you or someone you know has become gluten intolerant. It is probably the processing of the grain not the grain itself. It is the same with dairy products. Buying organic and staying away from processed foods will help bring the doshas back into balance.
Sugars also provide energy, but prolonged use of them depletes our energy. Addiction to sugar shows an imbalance in our energy centers. Sugar addiction can point to (as well as cause) imbalance in the doshas..
Vegetables are a product of photosynthesis something that our bodies are incapable of producing. (a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities), Vegetables trap the vital energy of the sunlight, as well as a good balance from the earth, air, fire (sun), and water.
Fruits are said to be the highest on the food chain because when ripe, they drop to the ground and do not require the killing of plants or animals to harvest them. Fruits are rich in vitamin C and high in natural sugars. they pass through the system the most quickly of all solid foods, and leave the energy free to travel to the upper chakras (energy centers).
I don’t mean for us to eat nothing that is not the purest and freshest of foods, that is just not practical. In this day and age it could leave us starving. However we can be conscious of what we do eat. Avoiding heavily processed foods, foods that are rich in refined sugars, and “empty foods” without nutritional benefits are a beginning for anyone who wishes to strengthen the health of their body and balance their energy centers.
When all of our energy channels are opened and clear, we feel deeply connected to our inner wisdom and trust that it guides us in our choices. We remember our true nature and experience enlightenment.
Nancy Adams Certified Thai Yoga Therapist
Certified Yoga Instructor
and Ayurveda Consultant
These are my own thoughts. I sometimes take writings from others to support my own ideas.