I came across an new mantra a few weeks ago that I can not get out of my head. Narasimha Tava Dasohum. It means to honor the protector of our spiritual path. It’s that energy that protects us from negative influences, from doubts, from judgements that we fear from the outside or that we create within, and it helps us tune in to our inner voice, trust our inner voice, and follow the light within that we all carry and that we are all aware of. There is a voice within us that gives us the strength to rise above these negative voices, that we all carry in some form or another and that we receive from the outside world. Narasimha is our protector.
A few weeks ago Gary got a head cold, we were watching TV together one evening and I sneezed, Gary turned to me and said “are you getting sick”? my first thought was, maybe I am getting sick. I have a friend, Mishelle, that says “cancel that”whenever someone says something she doesn’t want to internalize. To myself I said “cancel that” and to Gary I said “no I am not getting sick I am too healthy to get sick” turning a negative into a positive.
It’s not the germs from people around us that make us sick, it is our thoughts.We all have every illness in the universe in us, colds, flu, cancer, arthritis, We are the ones that decide whether or not to let the illness manifest itself. Like when the grandkids come over with runny noses and you say, GREAT!, now I’m going to get sick, and you do. Instead, say to yourself “cancel that” and dive right in for kisses.
Sometimes we are each others negative influences. I have mentioned before that Gary and I have a house in Provo we are flipping. One day we were over at the house when my brother stopped by. He looked around the house and said “Man this is a lot of work. And you guys are no spring chickens”. “CANCEL THAT!”, Gary and I hadn't even thought that we were too old for the project, and we are really enjoying the work and the transformation of the house. We could have gone home feeling like 90 year olds if we had internalized his words.
We should be careful we are not the ones putting negative thoughts out for others to internalize in a negative manner. After a yoga class a few students were sitting in the tea room when I overheard one of my students ask another “ do you have fibromyalgia yet”? YET?!!! meaning what? “CANCEL THAT!”
We all have a protector, this silent ever-present witness is your true self. This goes right along with the Law of Pure Potentiality. “Your true Self, your soul, is completely free of the things your mind is telling you. Your true self is immune to criticism, fears no challenge, and feels neither beneath nor above anyone”. Gary and I remind each other to stay positive and not to listen to the negative thinking of others, or even ourselves.
Whenever anyone asks you if you are feeling poorly, “cancel that”, and say I feel great! I am strong! I am healthy! I am awesome!!!! This is what your protector would have you know.
Nancy Adams Certified Thai Yoga Therapist
and Ayurveda Consultant
These are my own thoughts. I sometimes take writings from others to support my own ideas.